Common Futures provides GIS, spatial analysis, and scenario modeling services for a wide range of analysis tasks, including climate mitigation strategy assessments, hydrological analyses, land use change modeling, habitat modeling and assessment, and similar landscape analysis needs.
We work with your development staff and community stakeholders to develop and model alternative future scenarios for your community reflecting planning choices you want to explore. The scenarios we develop can incorporate a wide range of landscape change processes, are built with standards-based GIS tools, and can directly incorporate a variety of land use and environmental policy choices reflecting your communities specific needs.
The Common Futures team has cutting-edge expertise in spatial analysis and modeling with experience in a wide range of systems - water resources, climate impacts assessment and planning, quantifying ecosystem services, agricultural systems analysis, habitat assessments to name a few. We work with clients to identify key needs and approaches to assure that our analyses focus on answering your questions and solving your problems.
We have extensive experience in modeling and projecting climate change impacts on vegetation changes, habitat, water resources and wildfire frequency and intensity. We can work with you to develop analyses of climate impacts and explore management strategies for mitigating/adapting to potential climate change.
Our Hydrologic Modeling team brings advanced simulation modeling techniques
to the analysis of a variety of water resource systems, including reservoir management
water quality assessment, supply/demand analyses, and climate impacts.